I received so many amazing handmade cards for my birthday last weekend. Thank you so much to all of you. I love them all!
This first card is a really special card I received from my friend Regina Alber (Germany). It is a 3D card and there is a mini birthday cake and candles inside! She also sent this cute bag and it held some fantastic chocolates and fun crafting embellishments. I don't know how she did it and I know it must have taken a lot of time. I love it!
Ich habe so viele tolle handgemachte karten für meinen Geburtstag letztes Wochenende. Vielen Dank an euch alle. Ich liebe sie alle! Die erste Karte ist eine wirklich besondere karte erhielt ich von meinem Freund Regina Alber (Deutschland). Es ist ein 3D-Karte und es gibt einen mini kuchen und kerzen drin! Sie sandte auch diese süße Tasche und fand einige fantastische schokolade und spass basteln ausschmückungen. Ich weiß nicht, wie sie es gemacht, und ich weiß, es muß eine Menge Zeit. Ich liebe es!
Isn't it amazing inside? Look at this mini cake! You put the candles inside the little holes and they stand up. Fantastic! Thanks, Regina!!!!
Ist es nicht erstaunlich? Schauen Sie sich dieses mini cake! Sie die Kerzen im inneren der kleine Löcher und sie stehen zu bleiben. Fantastisch! Vielen Dank, Regina! ! !!
This next card is from Debbie Williams. I absolutely love her brilliance in this card. She made the bunny and cats look like mine! That first one is Emmie, my tortie girl - she's the one in the picture on this blog header! The bunny is our long haired, black and white mini lop - Fluffles. And last, but not least, is our gray tabby - Kimba.
These colors are so me and I love polka dots. The buttons are even poka dotted! I just think this card is so much fun and I love it!
This next card is from my friend Michelle. I just love everything about this card. Look at all of the layers and textures. I love swirly patters and could stare at this all day :) I love that she ran the layers through an embossing folder after layering it up. I have got to try that - doesn't it look cool? Love it! The button flowers are just so adorable and the ribbon just "ties" it all together so creatively. I just love it!
The next two cards are from my sister and mother. I love them both too! Debbie's card is so beautiful and feminine. Mom's is so playful. I love that pig and just got this set, so can't wait to make something with it. Pink is my favorite color and they know how much I love ribbon! They both know me well :)

Thank you all for the wishes and I have a couple more cards to post!
Thanks for looking and have a wonderful day!
Dear Cindy,
ReplyDeleteI've liked to have done
Ohhhh, what beautiful birthday post from your friends - i like this!
Lovely greetings from germany